Francisca Cukjati
Nuovi attori e processi di riterritorializzazione in ambiti urbani degradati: il ruolo dell’immigrato nel quartiere Carmine di Brescia
Anstract: New Actors and Processes of Re-Territorialization in Deteriored Urban Areas: the Role of the Immigrant in the Carmine Quarter of Brescia
The research focuses on the relationship between immigration and territory, analysing the role of foreign actors in the territorialization and in the re-territorialization processes. We considered a case study: the area called Quartiere Carmine, in the city of Brescia. This area, characterized by structural and social degradation, records an high percentage of foreigners, who contribute to change its features.
Keywords: Immigration, Quarter Carmine of Brescia, Structural and Social Degradation, Re-Territorializatione Processes.