Written by 19:07 Articoli, Geotema 60

Geotema 60 – I luoghi dell’heritage termale e la letteratura romanobarbarica nella Libya mediterranea

Marina Sechi Nuvole

I luoghi dell’heritage termale e la letteratura romanobarbarica nella Libya mediterranea

Il contributo analizza gli epigrammi dedicati alle thermae e ai balnea della Libya mediterranea decantati in età romanobarbarica da poeti anonimi. I testi, contenuti nell’Anthologia Latina, sono particolarmente interessanti per i riferimenti specifici all’azione benefica e salutare dell’acqua, documentata ampiamente dalla letteratura settoriale e dalle testimonianze archeologiche. Restano però aperte ancora molte tematiche che dovrebbero essere approfondite e sviluppate anche in altre aree disciplinari.

Abstract: Spa Heritage Sites and Romano-Germanic Literature in Mediterranean Libya

This study analyses the poems dedicated to thermae and balnea in Mediterranean Libya that were highly praised by anonymous poets in the period encompassing and immediately following the fall of the Roman Western Empire (5th-8th centuries AD), also known as the Age of the Romano-Germanic Kingdoms. The texts, contained in the Anthologia Latina, are particularly interesting for their specific references to the beneficial effect of water as shown by written and archaeological evidence. However, many still-to-be-solved themes should also be thoroughly analysed and developed in other branches of learning.

Résumé: L’héritage thermal et la littérature roman-barbare en Lybie méditerranéenne

Cette contribution analyse les épigrammes consacrées aux thermae et aux balnea de la Libye méditerranéenne célébrées à l’âge roman-barbare par des poètes anonymes. Ces textes, contenus dans l’Anthologie Latine, sont particulièrement intéressants pour les références spécifiques à l’action bénéfique et salutaire de l’eau, abondamment attestée par les travaux dans ce domaine ainsi que par les témoignages archéologiques. Il faudrait néanmoins approfondir et développer dans d’autres aires disciplinaires aussi des questions qui restent encore ouvertes.

Parole chiave: Africa settentrionale, heritage termale, geografia storica, letteratura romanobarbarica
Keywords: North Africa, thermal heritage, historical geography, Romano-Germanic literature
Mots-clés: Afrique du Nord, héritage thermal, géographie historique, littérature roman-barbare

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