Written by 11:24 Articoli, Geotema 55

Geotema 55 – Il modello umbro di sviluppo. Riflessioni di un Geografo economico

Elvira Lussana

Il modello umbro di sviluppo. Riflessioni di un Geografo economico

Abstract: The umbro model to development. Reflections of an economic Geographer

The intervention focuses on the concepts of marginality and outskirt in order to highlight the role that the innovative process has had in characterizing the economic dynamics of these particular territorial realities of Umbria and what has re-updateded the reflection on the Umbrian model of development. Many marginal areas have become in the years the places of business creativity and the affirmation of the sense of solidarity and belonging, in the context “innovation” that has fostered economic growth in respect of values.

Keywords: Marginality, Economic Dynamics, Umbrian Model

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