Written by 11:24 Articoli, Geotema 54

Geotema 54 – La Geografia dello Sport e il Turismo. Proposta di un itinerario storico-sportivo nell’area di piazza Navona a Roma

Rosario De Iulio

La Geografia dello Sport e il Turismo. Proposta di un itinerario storico-sportivo nell’area di piazza Navona a Roma

Abstract: Geography of Sport and Tourism. A history & sport itinerary suggestion in the area of Piazza Navona, Rome

The phrase “Sport Studies” qualifies the set of humanities applied to the study of sports and the Geography of Sports, as a science of the space, plays a pivotal role in thissphere. Inside this area of research the relation between Sports and Tourismoffers plenty of interesting ideas, mainly due to the increasing developmentboth of sport and tourism in the contemporary society. This contribution also investigates the recent field of research of the Heritage Sport Tourism suggesting the project of an itinerary in the area of the ancient Stadium of Domitian., namely Piazza Navona.

Keywords: Sport Studies, Heritage Sport Tourism, Stadium of Domitian

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