Written by 11:42 Articoli, Geotema 53

Geotema 53 – Divario digitale di genere in Africa

Antonella Primi

Divario digitale di genere in Africa

Abstract: Gender digital divide in Africa

The evaluation of the gender digital divides is crucial to understand developments in the information society and to address adequately policy-makers, analysts and other stakeholders in issues related to gender and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Many African women experience diffi culties in accessing to and using of ICT, especially the Internet. In some Reports it has also emerged the contradictions and the inherent dangers in some technologies that allow anonymity and is used to frighten and intimidate women. However, there are many case studies that have shown how ICT can be a support to improve gender equality and promote women’s empowerment.

Keywords: Gender Digital Divide, Women’s Empowerment, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


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