Written by 11:42 Articoli, Geotema 53

Geotema 53 – Ma i comunardi avevano tutti la barba? Geografie anarchiche e femminismo in Francia tra Secondo Impero e Comune

Federico Ferretti

Ma i comunardi avevano tutti la barba? Geografie anarchiche e femminismo in Francia tra Secondo Impero e Comune

Abstract: Did all the Communards have a beard? Anarchist geographies and feminism during the Second Empire and the Commune in France

In the building of the scientifi c and political network of the of the anarchist geographers the action of women, albeit generally neglected by historiography, was important. During the French Second Empire (1851-1870), Elie and Elisée Reclus collaborated with some of the most famous French militant women and feminists, like Louise Michel, Léodile Champseix (known under the masculine pseudonym of André Léo) and Noémi Reclus, including creating and participating in a league for women’s rights. This paper aims to clarify the working of these networks and their specifi c intersections with geography, in the period of the Second Empire and the 1871 Paris Commune. My main hypothesisis that the collaboration between feminist militants and anarchist geographers anticipated several features of successive anarchist feminism and that its study can be a useful contribution to a “Feminist Historical Geography”.

Keywords: Feminist Historical Geographies, Anarchism, Paris Commune, André Léo, Louise Michel, Reclus Family


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