Written by 17:58 Articoli, Geotema 51

Geotema 51 – I turisti cinesi, lo shopping e il mercato del lusso: comportamenti di consumo e nuove geografie del turismo

Maurizio Giannone

I turisti cinesi, lo shopping e il mercato del lusso: comportamenti di consumo e nuove geografie del turismo

Abstract: Chinese tourists, shopping and the luxury market, consumer behavior and new geographies of tourism

Shopping has become an important part of the touristic experience. It appears as an ever-increasing tourism industry and one of the most lucrative economic activities. Its success relates not only to the sphere of enjoyment and leisure but also to the increasing need of consumption of social goods. China is the world’s largest market for outbound tourism and spending and Chinese tourists are mostly attracted to shopping and entertainment offerings. In fact, the Chinese society is moving to a more consumption-driven model of growth.

Keywords: shopping tourism, chinese tourists, new consumption patterns

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