Libera D’Alessandro, Rosario Sommella, Lida Viganoni
Malling, Demalling, Remalling? Mutamenti e nuove pratiche del commercio e del consumo nell’Area Metropolitana di Napoli
Abstract: Malling, Demalling, Remalling? Changes and new retail and consumption practices in the Metropolitan
Area of Naples
The paper analyzes the transformations that have changed the urban and retail landscapes of the Metropolitan Area of Naples, focusing on the area between the northern outskirts of Naples, the lower part of Caserta and the area of Nola. This part of the Metropolitan Area, which had inherited from the historical centre of Naples the role of a privileged space for the location of commerce (wholesale and retail), leisure and logistics, has successively experienced phenomena that have been traced back to malling, demalling, remalling processes. Retracing the most significant cases of commercial disposal and the subsequent reuse in particular of the shopping malls, the paper analyses the latest changes in a critical way, proposing some suggestions on the future development of the analysed retailscapes.
Keywords: Demalling, Retailscapes, metropolitan area