Written by 12:44 Articoli, Geotema 51

Geotema 51 – Rileggendo la città: le recenti trasformazioni del commercio a Catania

Caterina Cirelli, Teresa Graziano, Leonardo Mercatanti, Enrico Nicosia, Carmelo Maria Porto

Rileggendo la città: le recenti trasformazioni del commercio a Catania

Abstract: Re-interpreting the city: the recent transformations of retail in Catania

This paper aims at scrutinizing the evolution of the retail sector and, consequently, of retailscapes in a Southern Italy city, Catania. Starting from the outputs of an empirical place-based research project carried out by the authors in the mid ’2000s, the work deepens the recent transformations occurred both in the central areas and in the suburbs, in order to explore the processes and dynamics – produced by and within the retail field – which have been shaping urban morphology and socio-economic functions in the last decade.

Keywords: Catania, retailscapes, historic centre, suburbs

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