Written by 17:32 Articoli, Geotema 50

Geotema 50 – Abitare la diaspora in Europa. Il graphic novel come forma di geopolitica popolare

Giulia de Spuches

Abitare la diaspora in Europa. Il graphic novel come forma di geopolitica popolare

Abstract: Living the diaspora in europa. The graphic novel as a kind of popular geopolitics

Somali refugees who fled the collapse of their homeland and resettled in EU narrate ‘who they are’ through the graphic novel Meet the Somalis. This paper explores their counter/story to undermine the Fortress Europe’s discourse. The main issue is to look at the diaspora through the trajectory of the journey and the “settling in” phase. The graphic novel as “remarkable antidote” (Said, 2002) narrates stereotypes, racisms and successes of the Somali people, helping the reader to understand them as individuals, with distinct experiences and separate stories.

Keywords: diaspora, popular geopolitics, graphic novel.

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