Written by 17:34 Articoli, Geotema 50

Geotema 50 – L’Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, ovvero: la World Music alla romana

Raffaella Coletti, Simona De Rosa

L’Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, ovvero: la World Music alla romana

Abstract: Piazza Vittorio orchestra: the roman way to world music

The article is focused on the representation of migrants and migrations proposed by the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, born in Rome in 2002 and composed by 18 musicians from all over the world. Through music, it is argued, the Orchestra contributes in building the identity of Piazza Vittorio and the Esquilino neighbourhood as a place of integration and multiculturalism; it also offers an original and unconventional view on the city of Rome.

Keywords: music, migration, Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio.

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