Written by 15:08 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Il Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini. L’ecoturismo un fattore di sviluppo trainante?

Enrico Nicosia, Carmelo Maria Porto

Il Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini. L’ecoturismo un fattore di sviluppo trainante?

Abstract: The National Park of Sibillini Mountains. Ecotourism a Development Factor Driving?

This paper aims at analysing the tools and strategies to promote a balanced and integrated tourist development in Sibillini Mountains, whose geographical and historical specifi cities have contributed to build an immediately recognisable territorial image. Tourist proposals should be planned with the aim of supporting regeneration and sustainable development in Sibillini Mountains Park by involving different players (such as tourists, local communities, public actors, entrepreneurs) so that the area could take advantages from a development based on the preservation of the historical and environmental identity. Thus, the work is based on a SWOT Analysis aimed at representing the whole set of elements supporting local development or, on the contrary, contrasting it.

Keywords: ecotourism, Sibillini Mountains, development.

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