Written by 12:20 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Il turismo subacqueo a Torre Cerrano: prospettive di sviluppo

Marta Melgiovanni, Giuseppe Piccioli Resta

Il turismo subacqueo a Torre Cerrano: prospettive di sviluppo

Abstract: Prospects for the Development of Diving Tourism in Torre Cerrano

In a highly competitive global scenario natural reserves play a great role as tourists attractions according to their natural heritage. Ecotourism diver segment gives excellent performance: it is an interesting geographical research fi eld for the perspectives in areas where the potential is not fully expressed. Historically Southern Italy suffers more than others regions for its vocations unexpressed. The opportunity of Ecotourism diver changes the traditional touristic season adjusting touristic fl ow and stimulating local economic development. The Marine Protected Area of Torre Cerrano (TE) has an interesting naturalistic sea bottoms with a rich archaeological heritage that are not integrated into local tourist offer. The common idea that underwater visibility in diving experience is reduced should be changed, promoting this new opportunity. In the last decade the interest in the so-called “muck dives” has increased. The Torre Cerrano Marine area is becoming one of the most important hot spots all over the world for these dives made in special conditions of light and particular sea bottoms contexts. It is desirable, according with the other touristic players, the construction of a new sustainable and integrated local offer, which should be inserted into a wider regional eco-environment. Starting from this considerations it is strategic to include this important site in the Adriatic macro-region, rich of natural treasures partly known and partly yet undiscovered.

Keywords: diving tourism, muck dives, Torre Cerrano, natural heritage.

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