Written by 12:12 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Aree protette e turismo: fra approccio “neoliberista” e sostenibilità. Il modello delle Cinque Terre

Enrica Lemmi, Hervé Mamboueni-Mboumba

Aree protette e turismo: fra approccio “neoliberista” e sostenibilità. Il modello delle Cinque Terre

Abstract: Protected Areas and Tourism: Between Neoliberist Approach and Sustainability. The Cinque Terre Model

In the present situation marked by a strong economic instability and the relevant problem of unemployment, it becomes urgent the identifi cation of indicators able to highlight a wealth increase. This must be conceived as a result of the environmental improvement from a general point of view, that simultaneously underlines the social character of the production process. Italy may aim for the enhancement of its protected areas not only to develop a sustainable tourism but also to reduce unenmployment. The present paper, after a brief description of tourism as a mean to generate sustainability in the employment market, will focus on the economic development model followed in Cinque Terre, starting from a study carried out in 2010 by “Centro Studi e Ricerche della Fondazione Campus” in Lucca. In short, the present survey describes the transition from the liberist concept to sustainability, considering the contribution of local policies to the territorial promotion both referring to the Cinque Terre Natural Park and the whole tourist chain.

Keywords: neoliberism, sustainability, tourism, local development model, Cinque Terre Natural Park.

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