Written by 19:19 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Paesaggi, risorse naturali e patrimonio etnografico: strategie di sviluppo per le valli delle Alpi Giulie

Alen Carli, Igor Jelen

Paesaggi, risorse naturali e patrimonio etnografico: strategie di sviluppo per le valli delle Alpi Giulie

Summary: Ethnographic, Natural and Landscape Resources: Development Strategies for Alpi Giulie Valleys

The transition to post modernity, with the overcome of a genre de vie crudely productivist, means the re-discover of a strata of landscapes, environments, ecosystems, signs’ systems, technologies, values, and simply objects, which belong to diverse epochs – the tradition – and which were sometimes obliterated by a layer of modernist ideology. The paper reports the case of the project Zbor-zbirk, collection of collections, in the frame of the natural and cultural preservation projects in the Julian Alps (Udine).

Keywords: alpine geography, Friuli, mountain ethnography.

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