Written by 19:12 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – La Carta Europea per il Turismo Sostenibile nelle aree marine protette: la prima esperienza dell’Area Marina Protetta Torre del Cerrano”

Bernardo Cardinale

La Carta Europea per il Turismo Sostenibile nelle aree marine protette: la prima esperienza dell’Area Marina Protetta “Torre del Cerrano”

Abstract: The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas: the First Experience of the Marine Protected Area “Torre del Cerrano”

An important step towards meeting the goals of environmental protection and testing opportunities for sustainable development is the adoption of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas (ECST), a methodological and certification instrument that allows better management of protected areas to ensure that tourism contributes to sustainable economic, social and environmental balance of protected areas in Europe. The contribution proposes a critical analysis of the outcomes of the SWOT analysis produced by the heads of the AMP “Torre del Cerrano” and contained in the Document Strategy and Action Plan. The above critical analysis has been conducted by the author in order to arrive at a constructive dialogue to define the factors that characterize the area under protection.

Keywords: Marine Protected Area, Sustainable Development, SWOT analysis.

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