Written by 18:59 Articoli, Geotema 49

Geotema 49 – Le Aree Protette e le opportunità di sviluppo in Spagna. Il caso del Parco de L’Albufera

Arianna Buzzelli

Le Aree Protette e le opportunità di sviluppo in Spagna. Il caso del Parco de L’Albufera

Abstract: Protected Areas and Development Opportunities in Spain. The Case of the Natural Park of «L’Albufera»

Nowadays Protected Areas are an important reality for the whole society. They represent the central issue of national strategies for the conservation and they count the support of international governments and institutions. Spain has concretized worldwide recommendations, becoming a pioneer country in Europe and confi rming its leadership in terms of protection of the territory. In this context the Natural Park of L’Albufera has been analyzed as case of study. It represents the oldest protected area in the Comunidad Valenciana, confi rming the constant focus that the Valencian Government has shown in order to preserve and protect this iconic space for the Region.

Keywords: L’Albufera, park, development, protection, strategies.

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