Paola Minoia
Development studies e cooperazione internazionale: dipendenza, partecipazione, appartenenza
Abstract: Development studies and international aid: dependency, participation, belonging
This article refers to the debate about the relations between development studies and the politics of aid. A growing number of scholars, within post-development and other radical areas, argue that too often, development research has been submitted to stronger political interests, not only represented by (neo-colonial) states and corporations, but also by the growing presence of non-state actors in the aid industry. The involvement of this latter group is officially meant to support civil society in Southern areas; however, various studies and assessments have questioned on NGOs effectiveness in ensuring local participation. There is a constructive debate going on – which development researchers contribute to – that has both theoretical and practical effects, to directly support local agency and limit the influence of external mediators.
Keywords: Development studies, aid, participation, civil society.