Written by 12:59 Articoli, Geotema 48

Geotema 48 – Vedere l’invisibile. L’utilizzo del video partecipativo in pratiche e ricerche per la cooperazione allo sviluppo

Elisa Bignante

Vedere l’invisibile. L’utilizzo del video partecipativo in pratiche e ricerche per la cooperazione allo sviluppo

Abstract: Seeing the invisible. The use of participatory video in development cooperation activities and researches

Visual research methods are increasingly used in the field of international aid and in geographical research within international aid. The aim of this contribution is to reflect on the reasons and outcomes of the encounter between visual research, geography and international development cooperation. How can visual tools bring benefit to geographical research operating within international aid? What types of information and processes do they allow to foster? The article focuses in particular on participatory video, investigating its application in geographical research operating within international development cooperation.

Keywords: Participatory video, visual research, development cooperation, geography.

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