Angelo Turco
PUC Condiviso: un’esperienza partecipativa pilota in due comuni dell’Appennino sannita
Abstract: CUP Shared: a pilot participatory experience in two municipalities in the Samnite Apennines
Guardia Sanframondi and San Lorenzo Maggiore, two municipalities in province of Benevento (Campania), have been involved in a Pilot Participatory Experience (PPE) for the preparation of the City Urban Plan (CUP). This experience has shown a clear landscaping orientation towards the territorial planning of local development. It appears consistent with the various programs to promote the Samnite area currently underway. In a transcalarity perspective, the PPE will prove to be a model for the future sustainability partnerships involving the two municipalities.
Keywords: Urban planning, Participative approach, Landscaping, Samnium, Apennines.