Written by 15:26 Articoli, Geotema 46

Geotema 46 – Gli stabilimenti termali nello spazio virtuale. La percezione dei visitatori on-line

Donatella Privitera

Gli stabilimenti termali nello spazio virtuale. La percezione dei visitatori on-line

Abstract: Tourism Thermal in the Web

In the tourist sector the web has an important role. In fact the choices of the consumer are across the information that these pick up through internet, ideal place to communicate, to promote and to sell the destination and where the potential client can effect comparison and choices more responsible. This paper evaluates thermal operators web sites in Italy to analyze the strategic and tourism choices operated. Thermal and wellness are a niche market within medical tourism that has garnered growing academic attention in tourism and recreational studies over the past few years. The following study is of an exploratory nature. Through the results of the study it will be possible to gather the strategies of promotion of the thermal stakeholders.

Keywords: medical tourism, e-tourism, marketing strategies.

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