Written by 18:10 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Lingua e integrazione: italiano L2 in apprendenti stranieri a Catania

Milena Romano

Lingua e integrazione: italiano L2 in apprendenti stranieri a Catania

Abstract: Language and Integration: Italian as a Second Language for Adult Foreign Learners in Catania

Starting from the convergence of the studies on theoretical models of average-use Italian and neostandard Italian applied to the experience of language teaching, we will evaluate how the axes of diatopic, diastratal, diamesical and diaphasical variations affect the Italian linguistic repertoire in terms of phonetic, morpho-syntactic, lexical and syntactic traits during acquisition of linguistic skills in L2 Italian.

Keywords: L2 Italian, Diatopic Variation, Neostandard Italian, Language Teaching.

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