Written by 10:07 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Immigrazione e lavoro nero in Italia: attualità di un fenomeno socio-economico

Antonino Longo

Immigrazione e lavoro nero in Italia: attualità di un fenomeno socio-economico

Abstract: Immigration and Illegal Work in Italy: an Actual Phenomenon Involving Families and Enterprises

Starting since the 1990s, illegal immigrants have increased black labour inside companies (workers) and families (domestic help and carers) because of ingent savings on wages and social security contributions. Furthermore black labour determines a vicious circle because Italians refuse those kind of jobs, encouraging this way illegal immigration. In the actual economic situation, the regularization of underground economy and the tax evasion retrieval might be resolutive of our countries problems.

Keywords: Immigration, Black Work, Economy.

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