Written by 11:10 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Rileggere in chiave moderna il dualismo città/campagna: i mille volti dell’immigrazione straniera

Francesca Krasna

Rileggere in chiave moderna il dualismo città/campagna: i mille volti dell’immigrazione straniera

Abstract: A Modern Reading of the Relationship Between City and Countryside: the Thousand Faces of Foreign Immigration

Aim of this paper is to propose a new reading of the traditional dualism between rural and urban areas, in this case applied to foreign immigration to Italy. This topic would surely need a wider and deeper analysis, that it is impossible to carry out in the short space given to the several authors of this book. So this study especially focuses on the living conditions of foreign immigrants in rural areas and more particularly with regard to foreign employment in agriculture, trying to identify special patterns of social exclusion and exploitation.

Keywords: Foreign Immigration, Italy, Agriculture, City Vs. Countryside.

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