Written by 18:17 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Geografia delle migrazioni e narrazioni cinematografiche

Arturo Di Bella

Geografia delle migrazioni e narrazioni cinematografiche

Abstract: Spaces and Cyberspaces of Multicultural City

This article introduces a netnographic and qualitative research, describing the theoretical premises and presenting its first evidences, about the role of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in chancing lives that are situated “here” and “there”. Digital practices of migrants facilitate transnational activities, interpersonal and familiar relationships and the emergence of alternative public spheres. The case study of Catania indicates that ethnic practices in new media need not broaden or dissolve geographical identity or connectivity, but may reinforce it, showing the multi territoriality of their social impacts.

Keywords: ICT, Migrant, New Media Spaces, Digital Practices.

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