Written by 15:57 Articoli, Geotema 43-44-45

Geotema 43-44-45 – Un esempio di distribuzione spaziale nella scelta imprenditoriale e insediativa: la comunità Bengalese a Roma

Rossella Belluso

Un esempio di distribuzione spaziale nella scelta imprenditoriale e insediativa: la comunità Bengalese a Roma

Abstract: An Example of Spatial Distribution in Entrepreneurial and Residential Choice: the Bangladesh Community in Rome

The food and beverages fi rm in Rome, whose owner is a foreigner, is an exclusive prerogative of Bangladesh nationals. This paper, by means of the submission of questionnaires and interviews and the relevant analysis, has highlighted that the spatial distribution of these economic activities is mainly concentrated in just two districts of Rome: Esquilino and Torpignattara, these ones being also the two main areas of residence for the community.

Keywords: Bangladesh Nationals, Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Rome Districts, Immigration.

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