Written by 09:58 Articoli, Geotema 40

Geotema 40 – Il porto di Ancona: gestione degli spazi e delle funzioni. Gis analyst e Model Builder: strumenti a supporto delle indagini di inquadramento generale dell’uso del suolo

Laura Osmani

Il porto di Ancona: gestione degli spazi e delle funzioni. Gis analyst e Model Builder: strumenti a supporto delle indagini di inquadramento generale dell’uso del suolo

Abstract: The Port of Ancona. Towards an Efficient Management of Areas and Functions: the Role of GIS Analyst and Model Builder as Tools to Support the Land Use Investigation

The urban and environmental development of the city port is closely related to the characteristics of its own surrounding area. Focusing on the case of Ancona, this paper takes into consideration the ongoing redevelopment process which affects the port areas and the port-city interface. This process is strongly conditioned by shortage of available spaces and by the past evolution of the urban setting. On the basis of that, the paper argues that the application of Geographical Information System tools is a basic step in order to improve different geospatial analysis operations and to build new process models best able to support large scale plans as well as local requalifi cation actions.

Keywords: Cityport Redevelopment, Geo-Spatial Analysis, Model Builder Application.

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