Written by 09:23 Articoli, Geotema 40

Geotema 40 – Relazioni funzionali tra la costa e l’interno in una visione sistemica dello spazio costiero brindisino

Rosalina Grumo

Relazioni funzionali tra la costa e l’interno in una visione sistemica dello spazio costiero brindisino

Abstract: Functional Relationship Between the Coast and Inland Areas in a Systematic Vision of Brindisi Coastal Space

The analysis considers the recent evolution of Brindisi coastal space. It argues that a greater territorial integration between coastal and inland areas dynamics is required. This would be positive for the agricultural areas, which are quite disadvantaged, but with remarkable productive and qualitative levels, for the industrial ones, as well as for the development of tourism in the region. New territorial policies are therefore needed in order to assign new functions and spatial organisation to the existing activities, and to regenerate Brindisi from an urban point of view. In fact the city represents the essential pole of this costal region.

Keywords: Coastal Development, Territorial Integration, Urban Regeneration.

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