Written by 13:20 Articoli, Geotema 39

Geotema 39 – Il termalismo nel Lazio tra persistenze culturali e valori ambientali. Un caso di studio: le Terme di Viterbo

Pierluigi De Felice

Il termalismo nel Lazio tra persistenze culturali e valori ambientali. Un caso di studio: le Terme di Viterbo

Abstract: The Spa Phenomenon in the Lazio Region Between Cultural Traditions and Natural Heriatge. A Case Study: the Baths of Viterbo

The geological nature and the cultural elements peculiar to the Lazio region have determined the birth and development of the Spa phenomenon. After an introduction exploring the geohistory of the region, the research focusses on the town of Viterbo and examines how, in recent years, the Spa-related tourism has been integrated with the local economy and population.

Keywords: Spa Phenomenon, Geohistory, Integrated Tourism.

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