Written by 17:50 Articoli, Geotema 38

Geotema 38

Caterina Cirelli

Le città e gli scambi

The city and the exchanges

Commerciai centers, markets, suks, bazaars, halles, logge, but also plazas, malls and shopping centers which are located in the areas of highest urban concentration create strong movements of people and take on the value of places not only of exchange, of supply, of services, and shoj1ping, but also j1laces Jor meeting and socializing.
Fairs sagre and markets have always identified this concept of tangible and intangible contacts, still today as in the past, thanks also to historical events, they have made significant modifications, maintaining a symbolic Jorce as authentic public city spaces where networks of exchange continue to be organized and individual and collective identities continue to be created.

Keywords: City, Market, Local Identity.

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