Written by 17:59 Articoli, Geotema 38

Geotema 38

Simone Betti, Carmelo Maria Porto

Il commercio ambulante nella città contemporanea marchigiana. Analisi e prospettive di sviluppo

Street markets in Marche’s contemporary towns. Analysis and development outlooks

Open-air markets play a social and cultural role that contributed to build, modify and in recent times, to imjJrove the Jtalian
urban landscapes. Thanks to its street furniture, both the typical stands and the newer automated and rigged vans, it is an
integrant part of the landscape and of the of the Itctlian cities ‘Jurniture, so that it is sometimes relevant Jor the liveliness of
the urban centres. Beyond satisfying the simple need of buying goods the “market”, thanks to a various and wide range of
products that are usually cheaper than other dist’libuting ways, arouses animation, folklore and social aggregation; it also
works as a catalyst of the urban space.

Keywords: Street Markets, Contemporary Towns, Marche

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