Young researcher innovation award on Cryosphere Science and Mountain Areas
Riceviamo dall’Editorial Committee della rivista Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica / Geographical Research Letters la seguente informazione, di cui con piacere diamo diffusione:
The Complutense University of Madrid, through the Department of Geography and its Research Group of Physical Geography of High Mountains has called a research award for young researchers on works related to the cryosphere science and research in mountain areas ( The winning works will be published in the journal: Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica / Geographical Research Letters (
We attached informative brochure and poster. The more participants, the more value the award will have, so we request your maximum diffusion among the members of your institution.
Editors of Cryosphere Science Special Issue: David Palacios (Complutense University of Madrid), José M. García-Ruiz (CSIC), Marc Oliva(University of Barcelona), José María Fernández-Fernández (Complutense University of Madrid).
Editors of Research on Mountain Areas Special Issue: Nuria de Andrés (Complutense University of Madrid), Amelia Gómez-Villar (University of León), Luis Miguel Tanarro (Complutense University of Madrid), Jesús Ruiz-Fernández (University of Oviedo).
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica / Geographical Research Letters. Last Issue: The state of knowledge on the deglaciation of America in 2017,