Trajectories and socio-geographic reconfigurations of drinking water and sanitation services in the European Union (France, Romania and Italy). Richiesta di supporto e informazioni da una dottoranda in Francia

La pubblicazione di questo messaggio, che non è una notizia ma una richiesta di supporto, è stata in dubbio fino all’invio della Newsletter. Considerando però che l’Associazione svolge una funzione di servizio per geografe e geografi, nonché di facilitazione delle connessioni tra loro, oltre al fatto che la richiesta è rivolta sostanzialmente all’Associazione e lo studio è focalizzato anche sull’Italia, la segreteria ha optato, sperimentalmente, per la diffusione.

Ecco quanto pervenuto:


I am aware that you must have a lot of work and that my demarche can be strange. I am currently in the first year of a doctorate at the University of Rennes 2 in the Espaces et SOciétés laboratory (ESO). My doctoral research project focuses on the trajectories and socio-geographic reconfigurations of drinking water and sanitation services in the European Union (France, Romania and Italy).

And I am looking for a few Italian interlocutors, because I’d like to have some expertise from local searcher to improve my work. As a geographer, I seek to identify and study the initiatives and leeway of communities and users. I pay particular attention to the decentralized systems that are required today as part of the search for controlled solutions (in purpose to save water). My current research phase consists of pre-identifying national informations about water and sanitation services. I am looking for data basis or relevant report on those topics.

Indeed, it seems to me that your association is dynamic.

So, I would appreciate if you can advice me some people that work on those topics or that could help me. I’ve also tried to find formation to contact some teachers that could help me to get the informations, but it’s difficult and I haven’t succeed.

Thank you,

Wishing you a nice day, Best regards, na Dell’Aquila PhD student in Geography and Regional Planning UMR CNRS 6590 Spaces and Societies Université Rennes 2

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