Towards Utopias of Peace. Theories and Practices of Peace, Hope and Resistance in Troubled Times
Egidio Dansero segnala la conferenza della European Peace Research Association, che si terrà a Pisa dal 5 al 9 novembre 2024 presso Le Benedettine e sarà co-organizzata dal CISP.
Il titolo della conferenza è Towards Utopias of Peace. Theories and Practices of Peace, Hope and Resistance in Troubled Times e i temi sono i seguenti:
- Arts and Peace
- Nonviolence, Resistance, Activisms and Liberation as Peace
- Geographies of Peace, Contested Spaces and Resistance
- Youth, Peace and Security
- New Conceptualisations of Peace and Decolonizing Peace
- Political Economy, Ecological Economics, Degrowth and Peace
- Democratic Participation, Social Movements and Peace
- Global Health, Care, Peace and Justice
- (New) media and peace
- Feminist Peace Research
- Math, Computer Science and Peace Studies
- Peace Education and Philosophies
- Disarmament and Peace
- Mobility, Security, Borders and Diasporas
- Peace Mediation, Peacebuilding and Dialogue(s)
Qui la call for abstracts https://cisp.unipi.