Prima circolare IX Congresso EUGEO, Barcelona 4-7 Settembre 2023

The Catalan Geographical Society jointly with the Geography Department of the University of Barcelona, in cooperation with the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe (EUGEO), are delightful and honoured of inviting you to join the 9th EUGEO Congress on the Geography of Europe, which will be held in Barcelona, Catalonia, on September 4th – 7th, 2023.
The Congress continues the tradition of the EUGEO biannual congresses, bringing together geographers from all over the world. The main topic of the congress – Geography for our common future – highlights the interaction between people and the environment and encourages to answer questions and propose solutions from the Geography for our common future.

The Congress is open to all possible topics in Geography and it is open to all geographers. Please, find attached the first circular with the location, content and the key dates.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Barcelona on September 2023!
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,
Joaquim Farguell