International Workshop for PhD Students and YPs – Aesop “Sustainable Food Planning”, Turin, June 28-30th 2018 – deadline March 20th

Riceviamo da Egidio Dansero, e volentieri diffondiamo, l’invito a presentare contributi (scadenza 20 marzo) per il Workshop Workshop “Towards Sustainable City Region Food Systems: closing the gap between theory and practice” che si terrà a Torino dal 28 al 30 giugno 2018.

Di seguito quanto pervenuto:

The deadline for registering to the next Workshop “Towards Sustainable City Region Food Systems: closing the gap between theory and practice” for PhD Students and Young Professionals of AESOP “Sustainable Food Planning” research thematic group is March 20th!
The workshop program, the key-note speakers, the registration form and the short paper template may be downloaded from here:
The workshop will take place on 28.29.30 June 2018 at the Castello del Valentino, in Torino, Italy
Participation to the workshop is due to a fee of 30 euros, including program materials, coffee breaks and bus to the field trip. Lunch and dinner are optional and on own expenses. Please send the short paper and the registration form at
We encourage submission of short papers from all stages of PhD research (starting idea, on-going work, concluded results, etc.) and YP from all stages of education or work!
Please feel free to forward the mail [in questo caso anche il link a questa notizia trasmessa dall’A.Ge.I.] to anybody who may be interested.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you in Torino!

The organizing Team