International Geodiversity Day of UNESCO
In March this year, an announcement on International Geodiversity Day of UNESCO was put on the IGU website, as you see at:
It says as follows: International Geodiversity Day will enable coordinated activities to take place worldwide, highlighting the importance of geodiversity. Bringing together people, communities, organisations, and countries across the world, it is expected that this will include educational, awareness raising, and public and policy engagement activities. More details can be found here:
6th October 2022 is the first International Geodiversity Day in human history! In order to enhance awareness on this international day and significance of geodiversity, and to think what geographers are desired to do in relation to this UNESCO international day internationally, regionally, locally, or as disciplinary groups, the IGU Executive Committee is pleased to organize the following zoom webinar, and to invite everyone interested in these issues.
Title: IGU Zoom Webinar on International Geodiversity Day
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 GMT on 6th October 2022
Coordinator: Yukio Himiyama (IGU Past President)
Application: Send email to the coordinator with the applicant’s name, affiliation, email address no later than 11:00 GMT 5th October 2022
Maximum number of participants: 100
The outcome of the webinar will be reported and discussed at the IGU Executive Committee meeting planned on 18th October.