Invito a presentare contributi per la Sessione “Session Title: Landscape Education: Research and Practice” (RGS 2018)
Riceviamo da Benedetta Castiglioni questo invito a presentare contributi per la Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference 2018, che si terrà a Cardiff, 28-31 agosto 2018. Lo diffondiamo volentieri.
La scadenza per l’invio è il 31 gennaio 2018.
Session Convenor(s)
Benedetta Castiglioni, Margherita Cisani (Università di Padova, ITA)
As the concept of landscape is becoming increasingly popularised and democratised (Jorgensen et
al., 2015; Egoz et al., forthcoming), it has also gained a renewed role in the educational context,
where it can be seen both as a didactic object and a pedagogical instrument. Scholars are engaged
in exploring the implications and consequences of educating on, for and through the landscape by
using concepts such as ‘landscape literacy’ (Spirn, 2005; Castiglioni, 2009), ‘landscape awareness’
(Butler and Åkerskog, 2014) or ‘médiation paysagère’ (Davodeau and Toulblanc, 2010). Moreover,
understanding the physical and social determinants of the landscape and being able to recognise
the various perceptions and meanings attached to it are paramount in terms of acting appropriately
and responsibly for its sustainable protection, management and planning, as recognised by the
European Landscape Convention (Article 6a, 6b). Besides the technical and professional side, it is
therefore important to also consider the primary stages of education as well as all the non-formal
forms of education addressed to citizens.
The goal of this session is two-fold. On one side, we invite scholars to fuel the theoretical debate
with contributions and analyses on whether and how new academic geographical approaches and
studies impact, affect, renovate or contaminate the reflection and practices of landscape education,
and vice-versa. On the other side – paying attention to what happens beyond the academic realm
and specifically to the connections among research, teaching, training and the educational context–
we aim to explore the contemporary role of the landscape in geographical education and
popularisation as well as how we educate new generations to read the landscape. More generally,
the contributions will help to reflect on how geography as a discipline can promote a more complex
and holistic awareness of the landscape.
We encourage scholars, practitioners and educators to present research, reflections, analyses,
practices and experiences that might focus on:
– Education on past, present and future landscapes
– Community landscape education and awareness raising
– Education on landscape, belongings and identities.
– Visual and ‘more than visual’ landscape education
– Beyond the land: digital landscapes and soundscapes in education
– Education and awareness of ordinary, mundane and everyday landscapes
– Education in the context of the European Landscape Convention
– Citizen science, public geography and landscape education
– Landscape democracy and education
– Landscape literacy
– Assessment and reflexivity in landscape education processes
– Landscape education tools and methodologies
– Landscape training for teachers and educators
Instruction for Authors
Please submit proposals (title, an abstract consisting of a maximum of 250 words and author details)
to Benedetta Castiglioni ( and Margherita Cisani
( by 31 January 2018.
Call for papers deadline: 31 January 2018
Butler, A., Åkerskog, A., 2014. “Awareness-raising of landscape in practice. An analysis of
Landscape Character Assessments in England”. Land Use Policy 36, 441–449.
Castiglioni, B., 2009. Education on landscape for children. Secretariat document, Cultural Heritage,
Landscape and Spatial Planning Division, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
Council of Europe, 2000. European Landscape Convention. Council of Europe Series, Strasbourg.
Davodeau, H., Toublanc, M., 2010. “Le paysage outil, les outils du paysage: Principes et méthodes
de la médiation paysagère”, Co-construction ou construction en commun d’objectifs collectifs,
Montpellier, France, 375-391.
Egoz, S., Jørgensen, K. and Ruggeri, D., forthcoming. Defining landscape democracy. A path to
spatial justice. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Ingold, T., 2000. The perception of the environment: essays on livelihood, dwelling and skill.
Psychology Press. città
Jorgensen, K., Clemetsen, M., Thoren, A. K. H., & Richardson, T. (Eds.).,2015. Mainstreaming
landscape through the European landscape convention. New York, NY: Routledge.
Spirn, A.W., 2005. “Restoring Mill Creek: Landscape Literacy, Environmental Justice and City
Planning and Design”, Landscape Research 30, 395–413.
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