IGU Commission on Gender and Geography – research grants for emerging feminist scholars
The International Geographical Union Commission on Gender and Geography is pleased to announce a grant to support participation of new and emerging feminist scholars in research activities and other professional development endeavors.
The Gender Commission will award up to two grants of $1000 each. (See attached announcement for details.)
To apply for this grant, submit an application to Chair and Treasurer of the IGU Gender and Geography Commission. (See contact details below.) Include the following information in your application:
- Enumerate the total amount of money required to participate in the meeting, and the amount requested from the IGU Gender and Geography Commission (cost sharing is encouraged).
- List the name, affiliation, complete address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the individual for whom support is requested.
- Detail how the individual will participate in the designated activities, including the title of the presentation or other type of activity.
- Explain how the individual’s research activity adheres to the mission of the IGU Gender and Geography Commission and the Commission’s focal theme.
- Specify the individual or group sponsoring the event or activity.
Priority will be given to new and emerging feminist scholars who demonstrate need or come from low-income countries. Deadline for submission of proposals is February 25, 2024.
For more information, visit the website https://igugender.wixsite.com/igugender . Send applications to Chair Anindita Datta(anindita.dse@gmail.com) and Treasurer Ann Oberhauser (annober@iastate.edu)