FEEM Autumn School | Spatial Analysis and Policy Evaluation | October 2020

Fabrizio Eva condivide l’informazione relativa a

FEEM Autumn School “Spatial Analysis and Policy Evaluation”

Di seguito quanto riportato da questo link:

“8 October, 2020 – 16 October, 2020

Where: online course

Location:streaming on GoToWebinar

Information:The school is reserved to 30 PhD students selected on the basis of their CV and a short motivational letter
There are no tuition fees

Roberto Basile
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila

Marusca De Castris
Università degli Studi Roma Tre


Spatial statistics and econometrics include techniques and methods to model spatial data (or geo-refenced data) considering interaction (spatial spillover) effects and spatial heterogeneity. It is an active and fast-growing area of research, spurred by the increasing availability of spatial data.
These techniques, many of which are still in their early development, use different analytic approaches and are applied in fields as different as economicssociologyepidemiology and geology.
The course focuses on the techniques of spatial statistics and econometrics and provides an overview of the recent attempts to account for spatial effects in policy evaluation analysis.
All lectures will feature applied empirical examples to analyze real-world cases through statistical software.

Scientific Committee: Roberto Basile, Marusca De Castris, Gianni Guastella and Stefano Pareglio

In order to apply and for more information please read the AUTUMN SCHOOL CALL