Congresso EUGEO 2019: lista delle Sessioni

La lista delle sessioni accettate per il

Congresso EUGEO 2019

è stata pubblicata dagli organizzatori irlandesi, e viene riportata qui di seguito per comodità di lettura. In diversi casi tra le/i proponenti vi sono geografe/i italiane/i. Si invita comunque a fare riferimento al sito ufficiale dell’evento, dove si trovano sia i contatti degli organizzatori delle sessioni sia le informazioni per proporre un proprio intervento (la call for paper è aperta):

Themed Sessions (in alphabetical order). Click each session title for more details.

Session Title: (em)Powering Communities: the path to forging a new energy landscape?

Session Convenor: Eimear Heaslip, National University of Ireland, Galway

Session Title: (Not) my green city? The role of green spaces in times of urbanization

Session Convenor: Helen Sooväli-Sepping; Bianka Plüschke-Altof, Tallinn University (Estonia)

Session Title: Academic Freedom and Researcher Mobility: Risks and Opportunities in International Field Research

Session Convenors: Giselle Eugenia Connell (Durham University); Stefan Rzedzian (Newcastle University)

Session Title: Agriculture and Climate Change

Session Convenor: Sinead Mellett, National University of Ireland Galway

Session Title: Approaches to European Rural Development: Looking Towards 2021

Session Convenors: Aisling Murtagh, Maura Farrell, Shane Conway, Marie Mahon, John McDonagh, NUI Galway

Session Title: Art & Geography: Art, Activism and Social Engagement in the Age of the Capitalocene

Session Convenors: Karen E. Till, Nessa Cronin, Geography, Maynooth University; Irish Studies, NUI Galway

Session Title: Art & Geography 2: Places and spaces of refuge

Session Convenor: Nessa Cronin (NUI Galway), Karen Till (Maynooth University) and Gerry Kearns (Maynooth University)

Session Title: Authoring city futures: the role of International Accolade

Session Convenors: Patrick Collins, Annmarie Ryan, NUI Galway; University of Limerick 

Session Title: Big data for transport geography studies: applications and perspectives

Session Convenor: Arnaud Serry, University Le Havre Normandy

Session Title: Borders of populism in the European Union

Session Convenors: Anna Casaglia, Raffaella Coletti, University of Eastern Finland, Karelian Institute; Sapienza University of Rome, Dept. Memotef

Session Title: BREXIT and human mobility: European scenarios

Session Convenor: Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Session Title; Building coastal resilience for current and future climates

Session Convenors: Eugene Farrell, Kevin Lynch, NUI Galway

Session Title: The changing dynamics of rural territories

Session Convenor: Breandán Ó Caoimh, The GESERA Institute for Action Research

Session Title: Communicating Research in Geography Panel

Session Convenor: Sasha Brown, Geographical Society Ireland Postgraduate and Early Career Network

Session Title: The “contemporary student”: researching the future of student landscapes

Session Convenor : Alexis Alamel, Université du Littoral Côte Opale (France)

Session Title: Creative and smart cities in Europe

Session Convenor: Tamás Egedy, Geographical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Session Title: Creative Geographic Practices in Contemporary Ireland

Session Convenors: Maedhbh Nic Lochlainn, Eoin O’Mahony, Trinity College Dublin; University College Dublin

Session Title: A critical perspective on place-based spatial development strategies in both rural and urban areas. A “Landscape Grabbing?”  (With the IGU Commission Sustainability of Rural Systems).

Session Convenor: Margherita Ciervo, Jose Ignacio Vila Vazquez, Isabelle Dumont, University of Foggia; LabEx DynamiTe – CNRS UMR Géographie-cités; University of Rome Tre

Session Title: Cultural Transformations of Mountain Landscapes

Session Convenor: Zdeněk Kučera, Dana Fialová, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Prague, Czechia

Session Title: De-centring Infrastructures

Session Convenors: Jim White, Patrick Bresnihan, Arielle Hesse, Trinity College Dublin

Session Title: The Demands of being ‘Smart’

Session Convenors: Aoife Delaney, Caspar Menkman, Maynooth University

Session Title: Disability in rural areas: between geographic exclusion and social insertion

Session Convenors : Mauricette Fournier and Meddy Escuriet, UMR Territoires, Clermont-Auvergne University (France)

Session Title: Earth Observation: Applications in environmental mapping and monitoring (Irish Geomorphology Group: EO)

Session Convenors: Daithí Maguire, Conor Cahalane, NUI Galway, Maynooth University

Session Title: The end of endism? The Revival of the Nation State in Global Geopolitics

Session Convenors: Elena Dell’Agnese, Virginie Mamadouh, Università di Milano-Bicocca / Universiteit van Amsterdam 

Session Title: Enlightening Generational Renewal in Agriculture Policy: A Roadmap for CAP Post-2020

Session Convenors: Shane Conway, Maura Farrell, Aisling Murtagh, John McDonagh, Marie Mahon, NUI Galway


Session Convenors : Nicolas Canova; Hugo Capellà-Miternique (contact person); Antoine Le Blanc; Louis Dupont, Ecole d’architecture de Lille/FR; Universitat Illes Balears/SP; Université du littoral Côte Opale/FR; Sorbonne Université/Laboratoire ENeC/FR

Session Title: The ‘European City’ – Spatial Imaginaries and Everyday Realities

Session Convenors: Philip Lawton, Ulf Strohmayer, Trinity College Dublin and NUI Galway

Session Title: European Pilgrimage: new departures and old routes

Session Convenor: Richard Scriven, National University of Ireland, Galway

Session Title: Exploring regional perspectives on spatially just futures

Session Convenors: Marie Mahon*, Mike Woods**, Maura Farrell*, John McDonagh*, Pat Collins*,*National University of Ireland Galway, **University of Wales Aberystwyth

Session Title: Food system transformation towards healthy sustainable diets

Session Convenor: Gary Goggins, National University of Ireland Galway

Session Title: The future for peatlands in Europe: Re-imagining our relationship with peatlands.

Session Convenors: John Connolly, Alexandra Barthelmes, Dublin City University, Ireland; Greifswald University, Germany

Session Title: Future Proofing Rural Communities: The Importance of Educating Rural Youth

Session Convenors: Sinéad Flannery, Dr Tomás Russell, Dr Karen Keaveney, University College Dublin

Session Title: Geographies of Genocide, Ethnocide and International War Crimes

Session Convenor: Giselle E. Connell, Durham University

Session Title: Geographies of Repair: examining the emergence and interconnectedness of repair and maintenance practices.

Session Convenors: Alma Clavin, Teresa Dillon, Christoph Woiwode, Bath Spa University; University of the West of England; Bath Spa University

Session Title: Geographies of Sustainable Consumption

Session Convenor: Helen Maguire, NUI Galway

Session Title: Geography in Higher Education: the Role of Geography Teaching in Shaping Europe’s Future Society and Landscapes (a joint paper session of EUGEO-EUROGEO-IGU)

Session Convenor: Joos Droogleever Fortuijn, Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies University of Amsterdam

Session Title: Geopolitical Dimensions of Population: Demographic Revolution as a Challenge in the XXI Century

Session Convenor: Alfonso Giordano, and Danica Šantić, Niccolò Cusano University – Rome, University of Belgrade

Session Title: Highly skilled migration, women and time geography, beyond mere human capital resource

Session Convenors: Camilla Spadavecchia and Ana María González Ramos, 

(C.Spadavecchia) Tilburg University and (A.M.G. Ramos) IN3 -Universidad Abierta de Cataluña

Session Title: Historical Climatology

Session Convenor: Conor Murphy, Maynooth University

Session Title: Homelessness and Rooflessness: examining the trends, trajectories and challenges of service provision

Session Convenors: Joanne Ahern, Holly  Morrin, Pathie Maphosa, Sarah O’Gorman, Dublin Regional Homeless Executive

Session Title: Housing, Globalization and Right to the City

Session Convenor : Charlotte Casier, Hugo Périlleux Sanchez, Christian Vandermotten, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Session Title: How to measure disinformation? A call for Geography to tackle “fake news”.  Misinformation, disinformation, and online tactics of knowledge manipulation: methods and tools to tackle them – how Geography can help.   

Session Convenors: Simona De Rosa, Venere Stefania Sanna, Noemi Trino, T6 Ecosystems; Sapienza University of Rome, Dep. of Methods and Model for Economics, Territory and Finance (MEMOTEF); LUISS University, Department of Political Science

Session Title: Hydrology and Society

Session Convenor: Conor Murphy, Maynooth University


Session Convenor: Illés Sándor, Active Society Foundation

Session Title: International Residential Mobilities. New perspectives 

Session Convenor: Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Session Title: Irish Geography: Biographical reflections 

Session Convenors: Niamh Moore-Cherry; Mary Gilmartin; Rob Kitchin and Mary Bourke, University College Dublin; Maynooth University and Trinity College Dublin.

Session Title: Lightning Talk – Snapshots in geographical research

Session Convenor: Caspar Menkman, GSI Postgrad and Early Career Network

Session Title: Marginality within the European context seen through geographical lenses

Session Convenors: Steve Déry, Stanko Pelc (contact person); Fatima Velez de Castro, Walter Leimgruber, Université Laval, Québec; University of Primorska/SI; Universidade de Combria/P; University of Fribourg/CH

Session Title: Marine Spatial Planning

Session Convenor: Liam Carr, NUI Galway

Session Title: Migration, Mobility and Belonging

Session Convenor: Valerie Ledwith, National University of Ireland, Galway

Session Title: The Open Data and Research Landscape in Ireland and Beyond

Session Convenors: Oliver Dawkins, Eoin O’Mahony, Sam Stehle, Burcin Yazgi Walsh, (Dawkins, Stehle, Yazgi Walsh) NCG – Maynooth University; (O’Mahony) University College Dublin

Session Title: Palaeoenvironmental Change

Session Convenors: Karen Taylor, Karen Molloy, National University of Ireland Galway

Session Title: Peopling urban pasts: examining everyday lives and landscapes

Session Convenors: Arlene Crampsie, Ruth McManus, UCD; DCU

Session Title: Periurban landscapes: challenges for better living in [Alpine] metropolitan areas

Session Convenors: Emmanuel Roux, Stephan Pauleit, Martina van Lierop, Aurore Meyfroidt, University Grenoble Alps, Technical University Munich

Session Title: Place/territorial identity representations: discourses, images, practices

Session Convenors: Tiziana Banini and Oana-Ramona Ilovan, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Session Title: POSTER COMPETITION  Geographical Society of Ireland Postgraduate & Early Career Network Poster Competition  EUGEO Congress and Conference of Irish Geographers, 15-19th May, 2019, NUI Galway, Ireland

Session Convenors: Geographical Society of Ireland Postgraduate and Early Career Network

Geographical Society of Ireland – Postgraduate and Early Career Network

Session Title: The practice of rural development in Europe: actors, networks, projects, measures, programmes and policies. Facing rural problematics

Session Convenors: Marilena Labianca (University of Salento, Italy); Francisco Navarro (University of Granada, Spain); Eugenio Cejudo (University of Granada, Spain); Angelo Belliggiano (University of Molise, Italy); Stefano De Rubertis (University of Salento, Italy)

Session Title: Qualitative Inquiry in Geography of Religion

Session Convenor: Gustav Novotny, J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem

Session Title: Re-Imagining Places and Landscapes through Walking Practices and Methodologies

Session Convenors: Andrew McClelland, Georgina Perryman, Joseph Robinson; Heseltine Institute, University of Liverpool, Department of Geography, Maynooth University  

Session Title: Relationship between China and Europe: recent trends from economic and political geographic point of view

Session Convenor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij, Pallas Athene Innovation and Geopolitical Foundation

Session Title: Repealing the Eighth

Session Convenors: Karen Till, Gerry Kearns, Claire McGing; Maynooth University

Session Title: Small islands’ tourism: socio-environmental challenges and conflicts

Session Convenor: Stefano Malatesta, Elena dell’Agnese, Università degli Studi di Milano, Bicocca (ITALY)

Session Title: Spaces of Memory: Memorialisation, Reconstruction and Democratisation

Session Convenor: Gerry O’Reilly, Dublin City University

Session Title: Strategic PhDing: All the things you wish you knew when you started your PhD journey

Session Convenor: Louise Sarsfield Collins, GSI Postgraduate and Early Career Network and Maynooth University

Session Title: Teaching Europe and for Europe. Strategies for a geographical education in critical times.

Session Convenors: Dino Gavinelli, Matteo Puttilli, University of Milan; University of Florence. 

Session Title: Wind energy – bringing the uncertainties into focus

Session Convenor: Cristian Suteanu and Adel Merabet, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada

Session Title: Women in Geography

Session Convenors: Supporting Women in Geography (SWIG)

Session Title: Youth Migration and Regions

Session Convenors: Krisjane Zaiga, Apsite-Berina Elina, McGarry Orla, University of Latvia, University of Limerick