Comunicato ISC per Gaza

Maria Paradiso trasmette l’appello promosso dall’International Science Council, di cui fa parte anche l’IGU, in merito all’organizzazione di iniziative riguardanti la catastrofica situazione in Palestina. 

Di seguito il comunicato: 


Dear IGU National Chairs and Commission Chairs,


The International Science Council (ISC), of which IGU is a member, has launched a program regarding the ongoing humanitarian tragedy in Gaza. In this context, the ISC is seeking your kind help in gathering offers of assistance and other resources relevant to supporting Palestinian colleagues and students in distress.  The IGU strongly supports this initiative.

The ISC statement reads as follows: “Your contributions will be compiled and published on a dedicated web page, which will go live next week, and where we will continue adding links, mirroring our previous efforts in listing resources for scholars affected by the situations in Ukraine and Afghanistan“.

How can you assist? 

Offers of assistance may include: Resources, programmes, or initiatives that your organization offers to support Gaza’s scholars. Such offers may include fellowship grants, scholarships, research grants, financial support for mobility, already compiled and verified funding directories, etc.


Calls for assistance: Your organization’s recommendations for actionable ways the international science community can assist scholars in Gaza.


IGU would like to coordinate such responses from the global community of geographers.  Please post your potential contribution(s) on the dedicated form on the IGU website: