Call for paper: The 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (IGU-CSRS) – “Rural on the Move: Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance” – 23-28/8/2020 – Zagreb, Croatia
Giacomo Zanolin condivide l’informazione della call for paper relativa al Convegno annuale della Commissione IGU-UGI “Sustainability of Rural Systems (IGU-CSRS)”.
Il titolo dell’incontro è
Rural on the Move: Transitions, Transformations, Mobilities and Resistance
di seguito il messaggio pervenuto:
“The Department of Geography, of the Faculty of Science, of the University of Zagreb kindly invites you to the 28th Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (IGU-CSRS). We are pleased to host academics, scholars, researchers and students interested in the past, present, and future of rural areas around the globe.
The Colloquium consists of two-day conference in Zagreb and four-day Field Study in the three geographical regions of Croatia: Zagreb and peri-Pannonia (lowland), Dinaric (mountainous), and the Adriatic (coastal).
The main theme of the Colloquium, Rural on the Move, acknowledges the dynamic of change that the countryside has experienced in the past few decades. We are interested in various forms of transitions and transformations, economic and social, technological and political, cultural and environmental. Furthermore, we invite you to explore mobilities (traditional and novel) and resistance to change (conservative and progressive) as some of the pathways shaping myriad new relations between global and local, and between urban and rural. We welcome papers dealing with above mentioned topics as well as other contributions reflecting complexities of rural change around the world.
20 January 2020: Abstracts submission deadline
9 March 2020: Notification of abstract acceptance
WEB PAGE: https://www.pmf.unizg.
CONTACT: igurural2020@geog.