Call for abstract (23/2): The development of the Urban National Agendas in Europe. Policy convergence or political contradiction? (Regional Studies Association Annual Conference)
Riceviamo da Simonetta Armondi, e volentieri diamo diffusione, alla seguente call for abstract:
Regional Studies Association Annual Conference 3rd – 6th June 2018, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
SS23. The development of the Urban National Agendas in Europe. Policy convergence or political contradiction?
Session organisers:
Simonetta Armondi
Politecnico di Milano
Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The main purpose of this session is the depicting of discontinuities and persistence of the development of the Urban National Agendas in the EU, within the current and wide ‘global reversal and regional revival’.
This session critically engage in understanding contemporary public policies and practices at the urban, regional and national scales, in order to advance a contribution to a debate on what significance the Urban Agenda elaboration at the national level, have for theory and practice of social-spatial research in the twenty-first century.
This session invites to the submission of papers that explore the attempts to define Urban National Agendas in the European countries, their implications, their contradictions, and contestations.
We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers. Consequently, against the backdrop of the development of a National Urban Agenda narrative, topics and empirical cases could include, but are not limited to: new formal regional and metropolitan governments as a solution (or problem); the role of new actors in regional urbanization dynamics; multi-level governance processes; informal assemblages at the metropolitan scale; state rescaling, city-country contradictions; sustainability measures and competitive strategies.
Please submit proposals for papers in the form of a 250-word abstract (text only) through the RSA conference portal by Friday 23rd February 2018.
More info about the conference: http://www.regionalstudies.