Bando Dottorato XXXVII Ciclo Urban Planning, Design and Policy (UPDP), Politecnico di Milano

Simonetta Armondi informa della pubblicazione del

bando per il XXXVII Ciclo di Dottorato in Urban Planning, Design and Policy (UPDP)

del Politecnico di Milano. La scadenza è il 20 maggio 2021 alle ore 14.

Ecco quanto pervenuto:

The new call for 4 (funded) PhD positions at the PhD programme in Urban Planning, Design and Policy (UPDP), Politecnico di Milano has just been published.

Language: English. Based on a multi-disciplinary approach, the UPDP PhD programme aims to explore the significance and impact of contemporary urban changes and understand the role of planning, design, and policy-making activities. 
Three positions allow candidates to freely choose their own research topic. One position is based on a predefined research topic “Study of Smart Working and population relocation after the Covid-19 pandemic through social and internet traffic patterns”. 
The application deadline is May 20th, 2021, at 2 pm, (Italian time). 
Information about the PhD programme in Urban Planning, Design and Policy is available on 
The official call for applications, along with procedures and requirements, is available on

Scarica QUI

Brochure UPDP_37th Cycle_ENG_A4_2021