10/2/21 – Online workshop – Education for Sustainable Development and the Climate Emergency: bending the curve for climate change
Elena dell’Agnese condivide l’informazione, ricevuta da Michael Meadows (Presidente IGU-UGI), relativa all’
Online workshop: Education for Sustainable Development and the Climate Emergency: bending the curve for climate change
che si terrà il 10 febbraio 2020.
Di seguito quanto riportato nella email:
“Education has been recognized as a crucial element to counter climate change and is one of the priority areas of Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). Education contributes to raising awareness on the physical mechanisms and the emergency of climate change and its impacts. More specifically, Education for Sustainable Development empowers people to take action by promoting values, problem solving and critical thinking skills needed for sustainable development.
But, concretely, how can and does this happen in different settings? How can Education for Sustainable Development contribute to urgent action for green and sustainable societies in light of the climate emergency? What can we learn from the Covid-19 pandemic on how to educate and act in times of crisis?
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