Convegno “Rethinking rural-urban interactions through food and land use issues” – call for sessions

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Egidio Dansero condivide l’informazione dell’apertura di una call for sessions per il Convegno

Rethinking rural-urban interactions through food and land use issues

organizzato congiuntamente dalle commission“Rural Geography” and “Geography of Commerce” del French National Committee of Geography (CNFG) e dalla commissione “Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering” (AGLE) dell’International Geographical Union (IGU).

la scadenza prevista è il 30 settembre 2019. Il Convegno si terrà dal 3 al 5 giugno 2020 a Montpellier.

Si riporta di seguito il messaggio originario di Coline Perrin e, successivamente, gli allegati:

French below

The commissions on “Rural Geography” and “Geography of Commerce” of the French National Committee of Geography (CNFG), and the commission on “Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering” (AGLE) of the International Geographical Union (IGU) organize

The Rural Geography Conference on the topic “Rethinking rural-urban interactions through food and land use issues”

Dates: June 3rd-5th, 2020

Location: Montpellier, France

This international conference will welcome presentations in English and in French.

Please find attached the call for sessions, open until September, 30, 2019.


The organising committee.


les commissions de géographie rurale et de géographie du commerce du CNFG, et la commission “Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering” de l’IGU, co-organisent les journées rurales 2020 sur le thème des relations villes – campagnes face à l’enjeu alimentaire.

Elles auront lieu les 3-5 juin 2020 à Montpellier. Ce colloque est bilingue, anglais et français.

Vous trouverez ci-joint l’appel à sessions thématiques ouvert jusqu’au 30 septembre 2019.

Le comité d’organisation


Puoi scaricare QUI la versione inglese e QUI quella francese.

Call for sessions_JRM 2020


Appel a sessions_JRM 2020